Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Anger Bind" (my music video)

Another artistic venture courtesy of Yours Truly. Someone sitting nearby just saw the video and told me: "Thinking too much can be the bind that ties you up." lol.

Anyway, here are the lyrics (Song excerpted -- not the full version -- therefore only the lyrics that were in this video will be included):

Artist: Korn
Song name: "Clown"

Lyrics: "Anger inside builds within my body / Why'd you hit me? What have I done? You tried to hit me! / Scream at me again, if you like / Throw your hate at me with all your might / Hit me 'cause I'm strange, hit me! / Tell me I'm a pussy and you're harder then me. / What's with you boy? Think hard. A tatooed body to hide who you are / Scared to be honest, be yourself -- a cowardly man! / I don't run around trying to be, what's not within me / Look into my eyes, I am free -- you're just a wannabe / To come out / Hit me clown because I'm not from your town, hit me clown..."

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