Friday, August 10, 2012

"Ronnie the Siberian"

We've been wanting a cat for the past few years -- someone introduced us to Ronnie the Siberian recently. Quite remarkable, to us, that he has his own European passport and official paperwork proving his lineage. He's about 3 years old. Not sure if we're going to keep his original name or give him a new one (such as "Trotsky").

2014, March 23rd Update: Ronnie died from a heart attack early this Sunday morning. He was 5 years old! 'Twas very painful to watch but there was nothing we could do to save him.

We just buried him in the nearby forest. He always loved being with nature. He looked so beautiful and peaceful lying there with his arm on top of his (dirt) blanket -- I burst into tears when I saw him like that. Forehead-to-forehead I said "Goodbye, Ronnie." Goodbye. I will be just as you someday. We both know eternity awaits.

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